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Political Determinants of Health with Nelson J Dunlap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

As nurses, we’re keenly aware of the social determinants of health - those conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect our health. Perhaps more important are the political determinants of health – the policy choices that led to the SDOH. Join us on September 23rd at 8 pm ET to hear about Political Determinants of Health from Nelson J. Dunlap, JD, VP, Public Policy & External Affairs, School of Global Health at Meharry Medical College. What are PDOH and how are they different from SDOH? How can nurses support PDOH? Please consider donating $10 to support future Healing Politics events. 


2024 Oklahoma Nurses Association Annual Convention: Nurses Innovate & Advocate

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels - Warren Place 6110 S. Yale Avenue, Tulsa, OK, United States

On Wednesday, September 25th Kimberly is excited to kick off the Oklahoma Nurses Association Annual Meeting with a keynote titled: Oklahoma Nurses as Advocates, Leaders, and Legislators. Nurses: Innovate & Advocate will have two full days of sessions to support nurses as they innovate and advocate for themselves, their work environments, the profession, and their patients. Nurses innovate when they develop workarounds, create new methods, or propose solutions to existing problems. Advocacy for patients and the profession is crucial, whether in the workplace or with policymakers. Presenters will explore these vital nursing roles, along with other important issues facing the profession. Details and registration information are here.

Jeri Milstead Policy Symposium & 2nd ANA-Ohio Annual Meeting

Marriott Columbus Northwest 5605 Blazer Parkway, Dublin, United States

The Jeri Milstead Policy Symposium will be held on Friday, September 27 followed by the Second ANA-Ohio Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 28. Healing Politics is honored to be invited to deliver the keynote address: Shaping Policy to Shape Nursing's Future at the Symposium and join hundreds of nurses to celebrate accomplishments, collaborate on new ideas, and create new connections with colleagues from across the state of Ohio. Further details along with registration information can be found here. If you are a nurse who lives or works in Ohio, we hope to see you there!

Create Your Own Event

Happy Election Season! Healing Politics Aficionados know that we host monthly virtual events. In the spirit of civic engagement, we encourage every nurse and midwife to Create Your Own Event in October! Whether you intend to run for office or want to help colleagues who do, the weeks leading up to the 2024 general election provide a wealth of opportunities to gain experience and expertise. If running for office or managing a campaign is in your future, volunteer for a candidate of your choice and try someone else's campaign for size. It's a terrific learning experience - no risk and all reward! Communities that vote are healthier! Improve the health of your community by registering voters and encouraging them to vote. Help others vote by becoming a poll worker. Our July event featured our partner, Power the Polls. We discussed what poll workers do and why they are important to the voting process. Nurses & midwives from CA, CO, DC, DE, IL, MA, MD, NC, NY, and PA have already signed up; it's not too late to join them! Check out the Create Your Own Event information on our website for advice and tips about what you can do right now! Then, share your October “event” on social media - show us what you did and share what you learned. Tag us: #healingpolitics #nursingispolitical #nursesleadchange #nursesvote. Are you ready to Create Your Own Event?!?!? Learn more here.   The fine print: Healing Politics is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and cannot engage in campaign activities for any candidate. However, we can (and do!) encourage everyone to be an educated voter and to work to elect individuals you support.

Kentucky Nurses Association Leadership & Advocacy Academy

Healing Politics is excited to kick off the Kentucky Nurses Association Leadership & Advocacy Academy (LAA) in 2024! The Kentucky Nurses Association’s “Leadership & Advocacy Academy” (LAA) is an immersive 19-week educational program that brings together a selected group of state-wide nurses with aspirations to advance their leadership abilities, professional accomplishments, and professional organization activities to shape a healthier future for Kentucky through leadership, advocacy, and policy. We can't wait to meet the 2024 Cohort!  

Washington State Board of Nursing 2024 Conference: Voice & Vision – The Possibilities

Labor & Industries 7273 Linderson Way Southwest, Tumwater, WA

The Washington State Board of Nursing 2024 Conference, Voice and Vision: The Possibilities, will take place on October 2nd. The conference aims to: Encourage nurses to think differently about their impact in nursing. Empower nurses by fostering a foundation of purpose and fulfillment. Explore attributes and possibilities within and beyond the bedside. Healing Politics co-founder Lisa Summers will speak on the “Possibilities Panel.”  More information and a registration link can be found here.  

Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetists Fall Scientific Meeting

Louisville Marriott East 1903 Embassy Square Boulevard, Louisville, KY, United States

A Healing Politics double whammy! Kimberly will join the Kentucky Association of Nurse Anesthetists in Louisville for their Fall Meeting. First up, Residents: Membership, Advocacy, and Involvement…IT ALL MATTERS! Many nurse legislators begin their political careers after holding leadership positions in their professional organizations. Next, CRNAs in Elected Office, Let’s Explore! It's the perfect progression, and sure to have KY nurse anesthetists batting 1000 during this election season!

Nursing is political: Nurses as leaders, legislators & advocates

Prepare to be inspired! Healing Politics co-founder Lisa Summers will lead a session designed to empower nursing leaders by fostering a deeper understanding of how policy and politics impact healthcare and the role nurse leaders can play in shaping them. Nurse leaders will leave the event with the knowledge to leverage their leadership skills in the political sphere to advance healthcare policies and practices in their communities.