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AONL Voice of Nursing Leadership
Only a small percentage of nurses will run for elected office, but all nurses can improve the health of our communities through civic engagement! Whether it is a non-partisan activity like registering voters, being a poll worker, or working on political campaigns, nurses can have a significant impact.
The Healthy Nurse Connection Podcast with Leslie Catalano
Kimberly Gordon, DNP, CRNA co-founder of Healing Politics, discusses the link between legislation, nursing, and healthcare. If nurses want to change the healthcare environment for both patients and nurses, it is vital to understand how politics influence healthcare.
Good Morning America 3
Nurses are heading to campaign school with a program that supports and encourages healthcare professionals to run for local office.
The Duke Daily
Nurses and midwives from across the U.S. gathered for the 2nd annual Healing Politics Campaign School. An initiative aimed at empowering them to run for local, state, and national elections. The event featured...
Nursing Management
There's often an impulse to “turn off” politics. It can be confusing, stressful, and sometimes downright nasty. But we can't ignore politics any more than we can ignore disease.
The Nursing Beat
While physicians are common in the U.S. Senate and House, nurses are not — but initiatives like Healing Politics aim to change that.