When You Run, Don’t Be Afraid to Lose!
Online Information Session Online, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82325726421, United StatesThey ran. They lost. They learned...a lot. Now they're ready for their next campaign. In December 2021 Dr. Michelle Munroe, COL (Ret)'s campaign for US Congress began with two words: Proven leadership. The accompanying photo said so much more (see it below). Five months and a primary loss later, a look at the Munroe for Congress Facebook page says, "I might have lost this primary, but service to my community has just begun". Dr. Toni DiChiacchio, DNP, APRN, FNP, BC resigned her position as an Assistant Dean in the West Virginia University School of Nursing to run for the West Virginia House of Delegates. After a razor-thin loss in the May primary (), she participated in a WVNA panel discussion about campaigning for elected office. The advice she gave to nurses considering a run became the inspiration for this event: Don't be afraid to lose! Michelle and Toni will share what they learned from their campaigns, what they will do differently next time, and what nurses and midwives can do right now to help them (and other nurse/midwife candidates) win!