Reflections on the 2022 Midterms & a Roadmap to 2024
Online Information Session Online,, United StatesDavid Wasserman (yes, THAT David Wasserman!) joins us to dish on redistricting - what it meant in 2022 & what it might mean in 2024. "I've seen enough!" If that phrase sounds familiar, you won't want to miss this event! If it doesn't, you'll want to become familiar with it and, for that to happen, you won't want to miss this event! David Wasserman, (yes, that David Wasserman), Senior Editor - U.S. House of Representatives for the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter will join Healing Politics for a talk about why redistricting matters, who redistricted what in 2022, and how it affected the midterm elections. Then, he'll preview what it all means for 2024. If you've ever wondered why the Cook PVI is the gold standard (or what the heck the Cook PVI is) for candidates, campaign managers, and analysts and what it means for state and federal races, join us! Healing Politics will be the first to know what David Wasserman knows in 2023. This event is not to be missed! **Cover photo by The Intelligencer/NY magazine